URL Rewriting Tool

Search Engine Optimization

URL Rewriting Tool

Enter a URL

Eg. http://www.example.com/test.php?firstid=1&secondid=10

About URL Rewriting Tool

URL Rewriting Tool



URL rewriting is a technique that allows you to create search engine-friendly and user-friendly URLs for your website. Our URL Rewriting Tool makes it easy to create these URLs in just a few simple steps. In this post, we’ll show you how to use our tool to create optimized URLs that will help your website rank higher in search engines.


Here are the step-by-step guide on how to use our URL Rewriting tool


Step 1: Access the URL Rewriting Tool


To use our URL Rewriting Tool, simply go to our website and locate the tool in the SEO Tools section. Click on the tool to access it.


Step 2: Enter Your Original URL


Once you’re in the tool, enter the original URL of the webpage you want to rewrite in the “Original URL” field. This is the URL of the webpage you want to change.


Step 3: Choose the Type of URL


Our URL Rewriting Tool allows you to choose the type of URL you want to create. There are two options:


SEO-friendly URL: This option creates a URL that is easy for search engines to read and understand. It is also easy for users to remember and share.


User-friendly URL: This option creates a URL that is easy for users to read and understand. It is also easy for users to remember and share.


Choose the type of URL that best fits your needs.


Step 4: Enter the New URL


Once you’ve chosen the type of URL you want to create, enter the new URL in the “New URL” field. This is the URL you want to replace the original URL with. Make sure the new URL is both search engine-friendly and user-friendly.


Step 5: Click the “Rewrite URL” Button


After you’ve entered the original URL and the new URL, click the “Rewrite URL” button to generate the new URL.


Step 6: Check the New URL


After you’ve clicked the “Rewrite URL” button, our URL Rewriting Tool will generate the new URL. Check the new URL to make sure it’s both search engine-friendly and user-friendly.


Step 7: Implement the New URL


Once you’re satisfied with the new URL, implement it on your website. This can be done by modifying your website’s .htaccess file or using a plugin if you’re using a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress.


Step 8: Test the New URL


After you’ve implemented the new URL, test it to make sure it works. This can be done by entering the new URL into your browser’s address bar and making sure it redirects to the correct webpage.




By following these steps, you can create optimized URLs that will help your website rank higher in search engines. Search engines use URLs as a way to understand the content of your website, so it’s important to make them clear and descriptive. Additionally, user-friendly URLs make it easier for visitors to remember and share your website.


Using our URL Rewriting Tool is a simple and effective way to create optimized URLs for your website. Make sure to choose URLs that are both search engine-friendly and user-friendly, and test them before implementing them on your website. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to improving your website’s search engine ranking and user experience.


We also offer other Free SEO tools, including our Website Speed Test, Website Screenshot, and Domain Checker. Utilize these tools to enhance your website's optimization. Other useful SEO Tools from other website